Alumni Profile: Aileen Lord
Child Development, Class of 2010


What motivated you to enroll in the Child Development program?

At the time, I had been working in the child development field for about 20 years.  I had my associate’s degree and have always wanted to go back for my bachelor’s degree.  I had just had my third child and returned to work full-time.  However, when I heard about this program, I knew it was for me.

What would you describe as the most beneficial part of the program?

One benefit is the support of the program itself.  It had been awhile since I attended school.  The support from the program staff made me feel confident in my decision to enroll.  Another benefit was the cohort group surrounded by an instructor and other students who were as committed and dedicated to the field of child development as myself.

What were the greatest challenges of participating in the program?

I am not going to lie.  Attending classes for two-and-half years, every Friday night and Saturday afternoons, was really tough.  Having a family, work, school, and everything in between, it was easy to lose focus.  But thankfully, the cohort instructor was our biggest supporter and kept us on track.  I had to keep reminding myself to keep my eyes on the prize!

Have you applied the learning from the program in the current work you do?

After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I continued my education and received a master’s degree in early childhood education from Pacific Oaks College.  I am proud to say that I returned to the Child Development program in fall 2013 but this time as the Galt cohort instructor.  I also continue to support teachers in the early care and education field working throughout California.  Therefore, I am always applying everything I have learned from the program.

Please share with us any additional comments or recommendations you have for the continued success of the program.

This experience has empowered me to continue to learn and become more active in the child development field.  I am thankful for the doors that opened and the possibilities that this program allowed me to see.